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// Blues //

Do I feel blue sometimes, yes I do! But I make sure I don’t stay on it too long. I find way to get out from there as soon as possible. How i do that? by doing things i love more, by creating something i love while listening to good music. sometimes by talking to a very few good friends i have ….

// my adobe … //

The Liaison Collaborative is back with the new round. It will be open 11 hours from now, so watch out. I see so much mexican touch here and there. I picked up some stuffs from there and let me share them with you here. Let’s list them …

// going home … //

I am one of the big fan of Studio Ghibli, I adore Hayao Miyazaki’s work so much, almost every piece of his animation production I had watched them and few of them few times, like Howl of the Moving Castle and Fireflies. Those movies really will make you break down into tears. Hayao not only feed us with his wild of imagination but good understanding of life and reality around us. He does not sell cheap dream, but a painful reality coated with positive attitude toward conquering it. I love his aspiration toward life, I love his attitude.A lot of his movie production show case a simple life, a simple relationship of human being, animal or even mythical spirit, he mixed them together and give them stories.

// Turning Point! … //

I did a lot of thinking today about how am I going forward with my blogging, I enjoy blogging so much, making pictures, decorating and styling for fashion. However when the thing becomes too demanding, it kills all the joy I have. I don’t like to be pushed around just for the sake of numbers or popularity contest if you want to call it. I like to have my own pace and enjoy what I am doing. Unfortunately taking sponsors for blogging comes with all this requirement, some sponsors really concern about the number of views and favorites our of their bloggers’ posts, this really kills the whole thing of being creative.

// Elua, #EMPIRE, Veechi,Sallie and Summerfes //

My look for the week again coming soon, not many of them but this time I want to go full boho with all those amazing colors and texture perfect for posing up on that golden sandy beach. Now this is the 1st look, let’s list them …

// NYU, #EMPIRE,On9, elua, Tres Chic, The Liaison Collaborative and The Arcade //

I owned my sim more than a year now, and it is really a working sim. It is not guest friendly nor beautifully arranged anymore. There are many patches of corner and spot that probably look pretty for picture background but they don’t make sense when you want to see them as a big picture, and that is one of the reason my sim is always closed from public. It is really a home for me in SL and a working space, it serves exactly that purpose.

// Blues, #EMPIRE and random.matter//

I like sexy in a very suggestive manner almost sheer, just like when all we can have is imagination when it is became completely naked, it is up to our mind to interpret nudity, therefore i like to keep nudity in this level …. i am only giving a suggestion and the rest is up to you to finalize the imagination … whether i am inside that imagination is no longer my property or my influence because i have given you only a little bit :p

// DeadDollz, #EMPIRE, The Arcade and The Liaison Collaborative//

Cute summer set from DeadDollz, I always adore how DeadDollz give a special touch at the back, it is not just sexy but pretty and cute too. I love the pattern spread this time, it is very summery and stylist. Along with it I mix and match this pretty dress with other details I have, let’s list them …